Privacy Policy

Symmetric Key LLC operates the site, "Gold is Back", which provides information about and the sales of Goldback® currency and certified PCGS, NGC, ICG & ANACS coins. is committed to protecting users’ privacy and addressing potential privacy concerns. The following information has been posted to help you, the consumer, understand what private information we collect and how your information is used.

To best serve your needs, we collect the following types of information when you create an account on our website or when you make a purchase.

Personal Information:

You can always choose to provide less information. However, omitting some of this personal information may limit your ability to access all of the benefits of our website and services. For example, we will not be able to process transactions without payment information and a billing address, or ship goods without your name and mailing address.

Automatically collect information:

We automatically collect data on how our users visit, such as IP addresses, locationes, browsers, browser languages, operating systems, device identifiers, and cookies. The data is not associated with a particular user but used in the aggregate.

Our website currently uses cookies to enhance its functionality. You may disable cookies in your web browser, but this may limit your ability to access

Social media information:

We do not collect any information from your social media accounts. We only record that a user was referred to us from a social media or other site.

Policy on collecting sensitive personal information does not gather any of your sensitive personal information, such as your social security number, driver’s license number, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, health metrics, political associations, or details on your criminal background.

How the information collected is used

We only use your personal information to help you utilize everything has to offer. This Includes:

Length of time personal information is stored

We may store your personal information for an extended period of time, depending on how we need to use the information. For example, we’ll keep your email address and name on file as long as you have an account with us. In addition, we may need to keep your billing information on file for an extended period to maintain our internal transaction records.

Who the information is shared with

We share necessary information with the following third parties and do not share any of your personal information with any other third parties.

Information Security

We do our best to keep your private information secure and safe. Most of your personal information is encrypted and secured by our hosting provider,, and is therefore protected from being accessed by outside users. However, data leaks and malicious attacks do happen. Please understand that while we do our best to protect your data, providing your personal information is at your own risk.

Ability to decline to provide personal information

You can, of course, decline to disclose your personal information to us. However, the failure to provide us with pertinent information may limit your ability to fully benefit from and all its offerings. Remember, we only ask for personal information that can help us fully provide our services to our customers.

Additional questions

If you have a question regarding this privacy policy, feel free to contact us. A representative will respond to your privacy policy or any other questions to you may have as soon as possible.

Policy update

This privacy policy was last updated on 2024-07-26 with no previous changes to the policy. It is the user's responsibility to be aware of any changes to the policy.